Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

Ethiopian Review Readers Forum
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Our Impartial Views

It is my sounds believe that the majority of the readers here are simply impartial and naive. There is no argument that EPRDF is an evil regime. However, we have to acknowledge that all parties involved must share the responsibility in the preservation of peace until the election results are finalized. If there are any pressing issues at all, it must be weighed in terms of the potential consequences to our innocent people. Thus, the opposition parties, particularly the CUD, must behave wisely while dealing with the current government in power and show respect to the Election Board, even it is a corrupt one. The leaders know, more than anything, the attitude of the regime, which has no respect for human life. Such a wise move not only prevents the loss of lives but also helps the country move forward to realize the little gains of the elections.




City: NoCity

Re: Our Impartial Views

I respect you.