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Beergit siraw yeEgziabher newoo, gin "Chirakooach" yeEtyoopeean zegoch dem eyafessesu newoo

Beergit siraw yeEgziabher newoo, gin "Chirakooach" yeEtyoopeean zegoch dem eyafessesu newoo

Excuse me, but I completely understand and know who Bereket Simon is, who Meles Zenawi is, who Addisu is, who kelbebissua Genet is, who is who in the EPRDF's authority. It is all pathetic they are real demons, you know I say it they are "Chirakooach". They have drunk the blood and are not yet quenched. I really weep. They have in their mouths blood of innocent civilians, and yet want to orchestrate that they are humans. How many burnt and suffered from the utterances and deeds of these "humanlike" demons!

They try to preach innocency, how does it fit into humanity. These are bad historians.

They have unforgetable crimes.

You know what the so-called "meles zenawi" doing? He has committed and is committing multifacated genocide. He trained his Agazees in such a way that he denied them access to information as to who they shall stand defending. He produced them in a dark cave where they can not see the light of wisdom, where they can not understand why they live, and where they at any rate become deaf, blind, bitterly and at all senseless the result of which was Meles' genocide on the Agazees themselves. Then imagine how this genocide duplicate, tripplicate, and multiplicate itself via the merciless acts of these Agazees.

It is ever inhumaly and fiercely scary, in the light of the above, to cognize the uncontestable dedication of meles, bereket, addisu, and the other Chirakees in their effort to ignite ethinic clashes and massacre. But thanks to God the Ethiopian people are ahead of the illiterate, incompetent "jundle" broods of EPRDF.
This saying does not undermine the legacies of jungle inhabitants, and I hope readers understand what I am talking.

Though sinful and weak a man I am, as a citizen of Ethiopia, I am feeling the pains, the sorrow, and miseries afront. So I acknowlege the existence of divergent opinnions among the people. Some feel that one was right and others the other. This is natural, and at the same time difficult to accept. But be cognizant of the techniques and tactics of bad people.

Imagine the genocide interms of denial of information that the Ethiopian people are facing.

God be with the Ethiopian people. Our peace maintains and revitalizes.

I have more I will come back.
