Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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Are all of them Woyanes??

I thought Ethiopian Air force members were one of the best military intellectuals in Ethiopia? Are all of them woyane? I don't think so.. what are they doing? Are they sitting and watching us butchered by woyane's Agazians gangs?
Are they swimming and eating in their best five star like Airforce club at Debreziet? Shame on them/you!
we shall confront the tyrants! WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP!NEVER!
They/you should have stand by the AAU students/ Ethiopian people.
long live mother Ethiopia/CUD & UEDF!

Re: Are all of them Woyanes??


City: Addis

Re: Are all of them Woyanes??


Re: Are all of them Woyanes??

Haven't u heared my dear. Yesterday June 9'05 Woyane has increased their title as well as salary to shut their mouths off.

City: Addis Ababa

Re: Are all of them Woyanes??

I don't get it. What are they suppose to do? Drop a bomb and kill more people?
Please people refrain from saying negative things about Tigrays. They are our brothers and sisters too.
Just because Meles is half Tigray doesn't mean everybody is cruel like him. Meles is going to do everything in his power to cause friction among us inorder to divide us. There is no Ethiopia unless all of us are together. May God keep us strong and safe!! Please say a prayer to all of those families who are suffering with grief due to the loss of their loved ones.

City: michigan