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report from Addis

I can report that today is no different. There are no taxis running in Addis. The government had announced yesterday that taxis not operating today will lose their licenses. It appears the cabbies have called the bluff.

I have not heard anything about Dr. Berhanu and Engineer Shawel's supposed refugee yet. Today's Nesanet paper has interviews with Dr. Berhanu and Lidetu Ayalew. Lidetu says that he is under intense surveillance.

According to Nesanet, yesterday's casualty figure was 40 dead and over 120 wounded. 5 ambassa city buses were burnt and it took quiet an effort to get them out this morning. The bus drivers were concerned for their safety. It appears they started operation a bit later than usual this morning.

News of the activities of the diaspora, mainly in Washington DC seems to have reached the population here via VOA. It appears people are very excited about a possible block of the Ethiopian Embassy in DC here. Many people are talking about it here


City: Addis ababa

Re: report from Addis

Thanks welega please, update information fresh news from addis.


City: Los Angeles

Re: report from Addis

The so-called report from Wolega is a post on a different Ethiopian Web Forum. Please let try to be honest


Re: report from Addis

Honesty is not an issue here. I think we're all interested in the content and whether its true or not, and not where it came from

City: virginia