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EPRDF repeating one of its old stories

The protest is joined by not only taxi drivers but also by the majority of the society in the capital. The bullet are being heard around Merkato, Megenagna and Kera. This afternoon The prime minister has declared a war against the society by allowing the military to take whatever necessary moves. However, The Maier of the City Ato Arkebe is saying the city is peaceful. And the government media is preaching as if nothing happened. After all who would trust them? All they talk is a fabrication of few officials. The society rather trusts any other source of information than the government media.

The government is telling the same old story. In the 2001 opposition the government pointed its fingers towards the leaders of the Ethiopian Human Rights organization leaders Dr. Birhanu Nega and Pr. Mesfin Woldemariam. And now the government media is speaking as its major opposition party CUD is responsible for this. (If you can remember it)In 1993 there was another student’s demonstration upon the arrival of the UN secretary general Butros Butros Gally. The students were demonstrating against EPRDF’s dictatorship. Likewise the students were arrested and the Oromo Liberation Front was held responsible.

Away from the political parties’ interference, students struggle for freedom and democracy. The prime minister and his colleagues have to remember their own case nearly 30 years ago. They were not amplifying the voices of some political parties. Rather they were shouting against the monarchial rule on the behalf of the Ethiopian poor farmers. The western world is firmly standing for the establishment of permanent peace and democracy over the world. We ask them to monitor the Ethiopian case closely.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: EPRDF repeating one of its old stories

Woyane was one strong group fighting for freedom. But now it has turned out to be a mad dog who dont even know what it is doing. whatever comes in its way is its enemy so it would bite it. The idea of personal stand and the right to persue one's own interest has been abolished from their mind long ago.

City: Addis Ababa