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Is Ethiopia ruled by organizational consensus or by few individuals

Dear all,
While writing a comment to this board a friend raised a very important question. Who is really the Ethiopian government? Is there really a group that discusses the fate of our country thoroughly and make a decision using the will of the majority in the group? or all decisions about our country and the people are made by Meles, Sebhat Nega and few other of his cliques. A couple of months ago one of the current government Ministers was quoted saying that even his technical decision are scrutinized by non technical TPLF political cadres and sent out to the Meles' office for approval. Is the fate of our beloved country really on the hands of selfish morons like Meles, Abay and Sibhat? What can we do to change this? Please give your input to educate me.

Yours truly
T. Birhan

City: Washington DC

Re: Is Ethiopia ruled by organizational consensus or by few individuals

Well calling names will not help enlighten you but the question is still valid.

Are we then saying that 500 odd people sitting in parliament don't know what they are discussing and voting for? Hmmm......begs the question...are they alive? :)