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Ethiopia cancels accreditation of VOA, DW reporters

Ethiopia cancels accreditation of VOA, DW reporters

156 words
7 June 2005
BBC Monitoring Newsfile
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Text of report by Ethiopian TV on 7 June

The Ministry of Information has said it has revoked licences of
journalists working with the Voice of America [VOA] and Deutsche
Welle [DW] radios engaged in illegal journalistic activities.

The Ministry of Information this evening told the Ethiopian News
Agency that it had revoked the permanent accreditation licences of
five journalists working for the VOA and DW radios, as of today.

The ministry said their licences were revoked after a probe, citing
the unbalanced reports they had been filing following the 15 May

The government, therefore, warns the [five] journalists that if they
are found filing any report after today they will be answerable
before the law.

The government further warned it would take similar action in future
if journalists are found filing false and unbalanced reports.

Source: Ethiopian TV, Addis Ababa, in Amharic 1700 gmt 7 Jun 05


City: Addis