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The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government

It is clear that EPRDF has lost the election by a land slide. This is true in every election that the international observers have witnessed. The opposition should start setting up a new government, including nominating cabinet members.

Mamo Qilo aka Bula Geberdin


Re: The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government

I like my brother Mamo kilo.You r so cool.
God bless you.
Mamo kilo's brother who chills some where in Europe.

EU on Collission Course with EPRDF

Unreliable sources tell me that EU is going to Blast EPRDF.

Re: The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government

I am glad to see that the discussion is moving in the direction this Qilo proposed. Forming a shadow government is the way to go for reasons Bula Geberdin Articulated in an earlier memo.

Mamo Qilo aka
Bula Geberdin

Re: The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government

I also support this idea.

Re: The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government

Tenayisitilign Mengistu,
It is true that "The Opposition Should Start Setting Up A New Government" because as per the openion of all true Ethiopian citizens in & outside the country, the opposition is the winner of the May 15/05 election though it is not yet officially declared due to mainly the Sheabia's son-EPRDF & its repressive,divisive & ethnocentrist government dirty tactics such as rigging the election. Therefore,another alternative of the opposition is to form a "shadow cabinet".This will show the Ethiopian people & the world at large that the oppotion has dedicated & cabable political leaders that can lead Ethiopia in the right direction.


City: Denver