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Finished, Done, Dealt With, Alas, Finito,

The End Of Autoritarian Rule and the Begining of Democracy in Ethiopia. There is no return. Ethiopia is on her way to glory. We have the people, the know how, the culture, the ethics and the desire to excel. We were muzzled by bad system for over 30 years now. Yes we are destined to move forward. The old days are finished, done, dealt with, alas, finito.

Yes I have a dream today, where ... (I do not remember how the rest of the quote goes.) Who remembers MLK's quoe about dream and mountains and all people being equal and all that?

Balamberas Mamo Qilo


City: Denbi Dolo

Re: Finished, Done, Dealt With, Alas, Finito,

Well said, Mamo.
If every Ethiopian believes that a historical change has occurred from May 7th (date of the pro-Kinijit rally)onwards, half the battle for democracy in Ethiopia is already won. The rest is just a push-over - including dismantling the ethnic web weaved by TPLF/EPLF over the last 14 years.
Trust me,it is written all over the skies of the country. What the alleviation of all the misery of the people needed was that magic moment where the right idea meets the right time. No human or spiritual force can stop this momentum, let alone a freckle, half baked mirage of deception by the weyaneys.

Ethiopia shall revive!!

City: Melbourne, Australia

Re: Finished, Done, Dealt With, Alas, Finito,

EPRDF is finished, gone, alas, finito. I hear that they are pointing fingyres at each other. It is the begining of the end of tribal politics in Ethiopia.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Finished, Done, Dealt With, Alas, Finito,

Yes, for sure. But finito is the instigated riot, pulblic unrest and proxy kudita ill designed, orchestrated and exucted by the CUD/UEDF. Even it has no stamina and no life span longer than a week. Mr L Ayalew came to illaborate about his lunch or dinner loss in a day, Dr Nega busy with pre-arranged flee to London for a more serious business of fetching his tips for the weeks labour and Shawl impotent to say a leadership word in that climax period of theirs. Tomorrow, uninformed Ethiopians will be really astounded by the role of secret agents of SHABIA foddering of the whole game even in too obscure sophistication to the very leadership of the oppositions. Just keep your fingers crossed for that day. I am not EPRDF parrot but also I am not amicable to SHABIA. Please, watch closely and follow the signitures of the game and you will get the puzzle solved. I assure you SHABIA has won a proxy contractor to employ the opposition to do the dirt job in proxy. This is one of the surprises of SHABIA upon EPRDF beside the war it is working out hard to unlish very shortly. just don't forget my words. This is not prophecy but a hard fact on ground. Keep to watch around the 360 degrees!


City: Houston, TX

Re: Finished, Done, Dealt With, Alas, Finito,

Dear friend,

Your concern that CUD is an instrument to SHABIA is appreciated for one and only one reason. It tells us how desperate EPRDF has become. CUD that condemened Mele's giving away Asab to Shabia is supposed to be serving the interest of Eritrea? You are not only desperate, you also seem to be not too bright.

Mamo Qilo