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Sibaht and CIA

Please read this message and know what was and is going on in "MELES's" camp headed by Sibhat Nega

In servicing the needs of one Fortune 500 client interested in prospecting for oil in Ethiopia, Rustmann called upon contacts he made there in the ‘80s. The resultant risk assessment indicated that while the new Ethiopian government was friendly toward U.S. companies, insurgent groups operating in the Ogaden region - where the major oil reserves are located - could seriously affect drilling operations.

Alerted to the insurgent threat, the oil company needed more information before it would consider making a large investment in the strife-torn Ogaden. The company asked if CTC could arrange for protection for its teams and equipment.

Rustmann flew to Ethiopia and secretly met with an old CTC client: the infamous Sebhat Nega, founder and leader of the guerrilla army (TPLF) that drove Ethiopian strongman Mengistu Haile-Mariam into exile. Rustmann had originally met Sebhat Nega shortly after TPLF tanks entered the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. The guerrilla leader asked the former CIA station chief to help locate several government officials who had fled the country after helping themselves to the government’s treasury. CTC quickly provided the information Sebhat Nega wanted and earned the guerrilla chief’s gratitude as well as a nice fee.

So, when Rustmann approached Sebhat Nega with a personal request for a TPLF security force for the oil company’s exploration teams, he readily agreed. Thanks in large part to Sebhat’s personal intervention, the oil company explored the Ogaden successfully for two years without a single serious terrorist or security incident. CTC had again demonstrated its ability to deliver.


City: Toronto

Re: Sibaht and CIA

so what ,life is a two way street,u scratch my back i scratch u're back
