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map making

how do i make my map triggers work?
how do i rename units?
how do i make units keep spawning?
how i make things like if you step on beacon you teleport??

Battlenet ID: Noobs_Victory

How did you find this site? google

Re: map making

well, when (and IF) i ever want to make a map run, i look at some Use Map setting map and take a look at the triggers they used. now, that's all gibberish to me, but mabye you can make something out of it.
hope that helps.

Battlenet ID: Yellow-Killer

Re: map making

well, It's me, Squirg, hope you remember me. Anyways, I was a pro map maker, just didnt have the patience to actually finish one.... anyways....
renameing units is easy, just go into the unit tree, select a unit, uncheck the box, use defualt, and you can do wahtever you like to it, even give it 999 attack.

Unit spawning.... well, since its new to you, you might just want to create a location, and put a trigger on that location. The trigger should be like, spawn 1 whateve at location 2 always or something. (its been 2 years since my SC disc broke so bear with me) A continous stream of units should appear.... but not do anything.

okay, teleporting.... the becon dosnt actually do the teleporting, the trigger does. well, make 2 locations (maybe over your beacons?) and add a trigger that says something like, plaer 1 brings 1 any unit to location 1, move unit to location 2.

I hope that helps but Ill try and get my SC disc working to clear up on some of those lamer parts XD

Battlenet ID: Squirg

How did you find this site? I know Jason from SC